roiroichang’s diary

自分のモチベアップのため、 ブログに英語の勉強用・資格用のエッセイを投稿します。


Should people stop using goods that are made from animals?




      I belive that people should stop using goods that are made from animals. I have two reasosns to support my oppinon.

      Firstly, there is the fact that human beings enjoy shopping against animals wills. They are killed without knowing what are they done soon. Not using goods from animals enable us to protect their precious rights.

      Moreover, people using these stuffs do not aware of endangered specieces. There is a growing tendency that some animal specieces are dissapeared because of human actings. Avoid using the stuffs will reminds them of the existion of animals in danger.

      In conclusion, more and more people try to avoid buying stuffs which is created with animals.